What Is Laurel Park?
Laurel Park is a condominium community located in Northampton, Massachusetts. Laurel Park is run by its homeowners, who are members of the Homeowners at Laurel Park Condominium Trust (HALP). Every homeowner has a voice in what HALP does. HALP’s budget, rules, and policies are voted on by the HALP homeowners. Most administrative jobs are done by volunteers, although some of the officers receive small stipends; therefore service fees are lower than in many condos. Many people find here a sense of community that isn’t found in ordinary neighborhoods.
There is also a town called “Laurel Park” and it can be found here: https://www.laurelpark.org/
Moving Here
Each homeowner in Laurel Park chooses a real estate agent or sells their home on their own. Contacting a local realtor and driving through Laurel Park is the best way to find out about listings.
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Homeowners at Laurel Park
70 Laurel Park
Northampton, MA 01060